Timocco’s Training Plans have been designed to work towards achieving skill based, functional and IEP compatible goals to help the child in tasks of everyday living. Our plans are interactive and motivating and encourage the child to progress and develop the skills they need to succeed.
Our In-House Occupational Therapy Team have carefully considered and designed the training plans to suit the purpose and developmental age defined for the plan. Each session is structured and graded with specifically selected games, settings and set-up requirements.

Throughout the training plans, player’s will be prompted to complete assessment sessions at regular intervals so as to monitor and clearly reflect improvements in skill based goals over the course of the Training Plan. Results are displayed in clear graphs with relevant data in understandable and accessible formats.
Timocco’s Training Plans also make it easy for therapists to facilitate consolidation of therapy interventions at home by allowing parents at-home access to recommended training plans.
Ready to Read
Children often struggle with reading fluency due to poor body mechanics. This plan aims to help build body mechanics while integrating them with early literacy skills. The “Motor Skills of Reading” Training Plan aims to promote stabilization of the body and encourages the use of optimal postural positions for sitting and using their eyes with good control to support the visual perception necessary for reading fluency.

Pay Attention

The ability to maintain attention in various situations, for varied amounts of time and with various other cognitive demands are all necessary abilities in order to function efficiently. This training plan looks at addressing a number of elements that may interfere with a child’s ability to maintain attention effectively and looks to address them through the incorporation of gradual exposure to stimuli and demands.
Play to Grow
The Timocco “Play To Grow” Training Plan, has been created for young children that may have difficulty with early play skills such as engaging and exploring toys and objects and playing independently. The training plan looks at developing a number of key skills which will allow the child to independently partake in play in a meaningful and interactive manner and develop their early hand-eye coordination skills. The “Play To Grow” Training Plan is designed so that through the development of cause and effect and sensory exploratory play abilities, the child will develop a foundation with which they will move on to meaningful constructive play.

Bilateral Coordination – Simple Symmetrical

Bilateral coordination is the ability to use both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner. This can mean using both sides to do the same thing (pushing a rolling pin, using alternating movements such as when walking), or using different movements on each side (cutting with scissors while holding and controlling the paper with the other hand). This plan looks at further developing Bilateral Coordination at the “Simple Symmetrical” level. Both hands are used automatically and effectively together in the same way at the same time during a task.
Body Balance: Stable Sitting
The Timocco “Body Balance: Stable Sitting” Training Plan aims to assist the child in improving static and dynamic balance in sitting, so as to allow them to automatically and efficiently make the necessary postural adaptations (to sit up straight and maintain balance) throughout a range of day to day activities done in a sitting position – such as working at a desk in the classroom, sitting next to a table at meal time and sitting safely at bath time.

Body Balance: Standing & Dynamic

This plan is targeted at standing and dynamic balance as well as weight shifting.
Cause & Effect
The Timocco “Cause & Effect Training Plan” aims to utilize the strong visual and auditory stimuli within the games to provide feedback to the child about their movements. In doing so, the plan aims to allow the child to develop a greater understanding of the Cause & Effect relationship, specifically related to their movement.

Crossing of Midline

The aim of this plan is to provide opportunities to practice crossing of the midline for the purpose of improving functioning during a range of activities throughout the day.
Hand-Eye Coordination
The Timocco “Hand-Eye Coordination Training Plan” is designed to assist children in improving their ability to coordinate hand and eye movements. Hand-Eye Coordination is required in a range of activities throughout the day, whereby the movements of the eyes are utilized to draw attention to a task and work in coordination with the hands in order to execute the task.

Prewriting: Intentional Lines

The “Pre-Writing Training Plan” sets out to provide the child with a better foundation for writing through gradually strengthening such initial skills and preparing the child for “writing readiness”.
Prewriting: Separation of Movement
This plan looks at encouraging the child to improve their ability to isolate movements at the elbow, wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints – as well as separate the functions of the ulnar and radial aspects of the hand. The plan is designed such that the child is also gradually introduced to tasks that require more refined and accurate motor control. Such abilities are necessary in order to grasp and use a writing utensil in a controlled and efficient manner.


Reaching is a meaningful and functional movement required during a broad range of day to day activities, such as reaching in order to get something down off a shelf, passing a cup or plate and outstretching an arm in order to point towards something for communication. The Timocco “Reaching Training Plan” aims to incorporate graded and interactive opportunities for the child to improve their ability to reach through encouraging the gradual increase of Range of Motion at the shoulder of the preferred reaching hand. The plan also looks at encouraging more efficient reaching patterns from the most proximal point of the movement origin whilst refining and improving accuracy at the most distal point of the movement.
Neglected Hand Integration
The Timocco “Neglected Hand Integration Training Plan” aims to provide encouraging and motivating opportunities to gradually integrate the use of the less used hand across a range of different Timocco games.

Upper Body Strength

Children who lack strength in their upper body may experience difficulty across a range of functional activities throughout the day. This training plan aims to offer engaging and motivating opportunities to gradually improve the child’s upper body strength by providing appropriate strength challenges while playing Timocco games.
The Teamwork training plan presents a series of sessions which incorporate the Timocco games in a way that encourages the children to take turns, work together – physically and mentally, as well as providing structured opportunities to engage with another through the use of the interactive and engaging virtual reality setting (Timocco).

Independent Eating

Children that experience difficulty sitting and eating independently may experience such difficulties due to limited motor control, core and upper body weakness and inefficient use of both hands (Bilateral Coordination). This plan sets out to strengthen such skills to enable greater independence during meal time by improving the child’s ability to sit in a stable manner, while using their arms to grasp and control cutlery and use their other hand to support their plate.
Pencil Grasp
The purpose of the Timocco “Pencil Grasp” Training Plan is to assist the child in developing a functional, adaptive and efficient pencil grasp and the suitable body mechanics required for handwriting and drawing. The plan integrates creative and motivating ways of encouraging students to adapt their grasp through playing games with objects we use around the house. Grading the activities using developmental models, theories, and research ensures a student’s success and therefore builds confidence.

Less Mess

Children who may be having difficulty eating in a neat and organized manner may experience difficulties with awareness of one’s movements, organizing, planning and accurately executing upper body movements. This plan intends to address such difficulties and allow the child to develop the skills and awareness they require in order to bring food from the plate to their mouths in a smooth and accurate manner. In doing so the child will improve their ability to ensure minimal spillage and dispersion of food during meal time.
Cut it Out
This plan aims to address core fine motor skills in order to prepare for the introduction to cutting skills, such as; strengthening of the hand and finger muscles, isolation of movements from the wrist and within hand origins as well as improving ability to execute tasks requiring refined hand eye coordination and the efficient use of two hands together.

Kick It

Kicking a ball requires the smooth combination of a number of skills such as balance and weight shifting, core and lower body strength, coordination and crossing of midline, planning and organisation of movements and timing. The Timocco “Kick It” Training Plan intends to further develop and strengthen such skills so as to prepare the child for optimal performance and execution of the cognitive and motor elements of kicking a ball.