Our team has experience working with children with autism and we understand the underlying goal that accompanies any discipline of therapy when working with children diagnosed with ASD – furthering communication and interaction skills.
Many therapists shy away from utilizing the computer in therapy, however, the virtual reality playing zone that Timocco provides can be experienced as a safety zone for children with ASD and can, therefore, provide a platform from which they can more willingly and effectively practice communication and interaction. When working with Timocco in therapy, many opportunities can be utilized for encouraging the development of such skills, for example:
Joint Attention – Playing games together – with an adult or a friend, providing an opportunity to encourage meaningful engagement in a shared activity while also working on body awareness, sharing of space and turn taking.
Choice Making – Having the child to select the controller and the color, identifying the balloon that needs to be popped, game selection (the use of picture aids as part of a PECS program is also an option).
Receptive Language – While Timocco is designed to be highly intuitive for the user, the introduction of new games and settings can provide opportunities for practicing the comprehension of simple instructions from the adult in order to understand the requirements of the game.
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