Timocco has been tested and cleared for usage with the EyeTech TM5 mini eye tracker! This tracker is a fast, accurate eye gaze camera allowing you to control your device with your eyes. What’s the difference with this tracker? The TM5 mini eye tracker offers complete on-board processing, relieving the host tablet or speech device of all the processing burden. Check out this video of the TM5 being used to play Timocco’s Balloon Game! Looking for more information on Timocco and eye-gaze? … [Read more...]
Ask Sarit: I want to work with my client on strengthening his upper extremities and back and improving his balance. When he plays soccer with his friends, he tends to fall or slip quite often. He does not seem to have the stamina to stand and play with his friends for a long time. This frustrates him and the other kids complain that he plays too rough. Could I use Timocco to work on that?
Timocco games can certainly encourage children to be active and to play using their arms often at shoulder height or higher. The different games can be adjusted to every child according to their needs. You can choose whether you want to work on motor planning, stamina, visual and audial perception, attention skills or communication skills. Because the games are played by moving the children's arms, it encourages them to use their upper extremities and core muscles. Some of the games require … [Read more...]
Do you have games for children with ASD? What kind of games could fit these kids?
Thanks for your question! With kids with ASD in mind, we at Timocco developed specific games for children with communication difficulties. The games were developed with the help of Dr. Ofer Golan, the chair of the pediatric clinical psychology program at Bar-Ilan University, who has done extensive research about ASD. These games, which you can find by using the skill filter and selecting the ‘Tim Duet’ games which include: Train Rail, What’s Next?, Ride Along and Aliens in Space. This group of … [Read more...]
Dr. Golan Inspires New Timocco Game Package
The Timocco team had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Golan to our office. Golan's expertise lie in his innate understanding of the needs of children with autism. His examination of planning versus execution of the game, lead us to develop a winning product that will help many children all over the world. Learn more about Timocco’s new game package, “TimDuet” for communication skills. … [Read more...]