Who is it for? The Timocco “Neglected Hand Integration Plan” is designed for children between the developmental ages of 3-5 who demonstrate limited use of a particular hand during day to day functioning/activity. What does it do? This plan relates to the difficulties exhibited by children who experience neglect, avoidance and weakness of one particular hand. It aims to provide encouraging and motivating opportunities to gradually integrate the use of the less used hand across a range of … [Read more...]
New Plan: Teamwork!
Make sure you play this one with two people, whether it is an adult and child, or two peers working together. This plan is a great option for a Speech or OT small group for be played on an interactive whiteboard! Who is it for? The “Teamwork” Plan is designed for children between the developmental ages of 6-8, who experience minor social challenges. What does it do? This Plan presents a series of sessions which incorporate the Timocco games in a way that encourages the children to take … [Read more...]
New Plan: Cause And Effect!
Are you looking for a plan to help familiarize younger students with how Timocco is played and help build the basic relationship of “I do this, and something happens”? If so, this Functional/ IEP-based Plan is for you! Who is it for? Designed for children between the developmental ages of 3-5 who have difficulty comprehending the causational relationship between their actions and the impact on their surroundings - including toys. What does it do? Aims to utilize the strong visual and … [Read more...]
New Plan: Crossing The Midline!
Crossing the midline is a skill area that if undeveloped, can hold a child back from school-related activities as well as activities of daily living. This Plan focuses on developing this skill, which can be applied to various IEP goals and objectives. Who is it for? This training plan is ideal for children between the developmental ages of 4-6 that have difficulty executing functional tasks which require the ability to cross the midline, such as dressing and drawing. What does it do? … [Read more...]
New Plan: Bilateral Coordination-Simple Symmetrical!
Did you hear the news? SIX NEW PLANS have been added to our platform! Today is all about Bilateral Coordination-Simple Symmetrical. Stay tuned for more plan information! Here's a breakdown of the plan: Who is it for? Any child who needs to further develop Bilateral Coordination at the “Simple Symmetrical” level – where both hands are used automatically and effectively together in the same way at the same time during a task. What does it do? Bilateral coordination is the ability to use … [Read more...]