Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional the field of child development In this week’s post I will demonstrate the benefits of each of the Timocco games as it relates to Autism As I mentioned last week, Growing with Timocco is a motion-based computer game enhancing social interaction skills in a safe and empowering … [Read more...]
Professionals in the Field of Child Development Learn from Timocco
The Timocco team led an interactive, instructive workshop led by Founder and Occupational Therapist, Sarit Tresser Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, and Speech Therapists gathered in Shlomi, Israel for a two day workshop to learn about the uses and advancement of innovative technologies within the field of child development. The objective was to teach the new possibilities and therapeutic advantages of emerging new technologies. Tresser, had spoke with 4 different groups of … [Read more...]
Timocco for Children with Communication Disorders
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional the field of child development Many studies have shown that children with autism function better with screens (computers, iPad, communication boards, etc.).They feel safer with virtual reality (VR) and the immediate, clear constant stimulus helps those to absorb skills and obtain … [Read more...]
Timocco and Children with ADHD – Part 2
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional the field of child development … [Read more...]
Timocco as a Diagnostic Tool
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional in the field of child development So far, my blog posts in the OT Expert Series have referred to Timocco's therapeutic aspects, but the system is also able to sample the child's performances, while keeping track of the data, changes, and mark the child’s functions while in the game. … [Read more...]
User Management and Tracking Results
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional in the field of child development … [Read more...]
How to Combine Therapeutic Accessories Within the Virtual Environment
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional in the field of child development … [Read more...]
Timocco – Sensor and Accessories for an Upgraded Experience
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional in the field of child development … [Read more...]
Using Virtual Environment for Enhancing Learning & Perceptual Skills
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional in the field of child development … [Read more...]
Virtual Reality for Children with DCD – Part C – Generalization
Each Week OT expert, Sarit Tresser will be giving an in-depth insightful analysis into the various ways Health Games aid children with disabilities. Stay connected to receive first-hand input from a professional in the field of child development One of the main concerns that surface as a result of using the Virtual Environment (VE) for therapy is knowing how to make a transfer and generalize the skills acquired in the VE into the activities of daily living. The main goal of the therapy … [Read more...]